My daily stories ....

Saturday 12 November 2011

Our days (:

Hari nii 13/11/2011, genap sebulan. Kalau nak ikutkan daa 8 bulan 10 hari, tapi disebabkan ade probs sikit kiteorg clash. Then, bile daa okay semuanya. Couple balek, and mcm sbelum-2 nii kehidupan harian~ Biase jee, takde ape-2 yg special just ade extra KS jee laa (: M.I.P , the boy that make my days happy and cheerful. No tears, but full of happiness (: Born on 6/6/97 and be my lucky boy. A cool, sporting, loving, childish, romantic & always supporting me (: I'm lucky to be his girl, the most important is, he is a CARING person and make me melt like ice cream in a summer.. Hope we can continue this relationship ever after with a lot of happiness and loves ^^v
We stops here (:

Assalamualaikum and Good Night (:

Thursday 10 November 2011

Holidays are around the corner (:

Look at the titles and you'll know what i'm will talking about... Yeah! Its about HOLIDAYS, but i'll miss all my buddies! I'm sorry, my best buddies especially NUR SYAFIQAH ATHIRAH & ANAS HAFIZI :/ And, for the one who makes me happy.. You too, i'll miss you.. Wait-2, asal aku speaking? Haish~ Let we begin, result daa dapat :/ Hmm, takmo cerite.. Nanti aku yg nanges~ Err, cuti nanti nk buat ape ek? PMR nak dekat, makin berlambak laa aku tusyen nnti~ Mcm org gile, ke hulu ke hilir bwak buku.. Ma & pa aku pulak, mmg confirm laa.. Beli buku latihan berlambak-2 smpai penuh rak buku aku! Mcm mase UPSR aku, mmg separuh mati aku buat exercises .. A little bit worry bile ingat psl PMR nii.. Btw, okay laa. Cukup smpai sini, aku nak off & settle kan masalah aku~ Bbye, Assalamualaikum for muslims (: